Customs Compliance Software

Customs Compliance Software to Streamline Import & Export

Make way for smooth processes of customs clearance with CargoEZ that is designed to streamline the entire operations of filing customs.

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Customs Compliance Software
Cloud-based freight management


Manage and Access Your Data Anytime, Anywhere with ease!

CargoEZ - G2 Listed

Leading Satisfaction

Our G2 badges are testament to high-quality service and Security.

CargoEZ - Security

World Class Security

We adhere to industry-leading security certifications.

Trusted by the Leading Freight Forwarders Around the World
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Our digital freight forwarder software is a comprehensive suite of customs filing software that accelerates your electronic filing that keeps you compliant while significantly reducing costs and increasing operational efficiency.

Ready for a change? One Click for Digital Transformation!

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Customs Clearance Software

Take Your Compliance to Next Level with Our Customs Brokerage Software

  • Customs brokers can leverage our logistics management software to file AMS, and ISF with just one-click.
  • Get notified of all the regulation changes and take action to stay compliant.
  • Easy import security filing (ISF) process while significantly reducing costs and increasing productivity.
  • Break through the complexities in compliance! Let our compliance software make it simple
Unified Technology Across Your Organization

Our Customs Broker Software
for Your Modern Logistics

CargoEZ Customs Compliance

Customs and Compliance

Our customs software gets you running quickly with no additional hardware or software or being dependent.

Customs AMS Filing

AMS Filing

Speed up your AMS FIling process with CargoEZ. Brokers need not use multiple tools to file customs! All it takes is a click!

Customs ISF Filing

ISF Filing

Catalyst the ISF importer security filing process as it is the mandatory document for the CBP regulation.

Customs Clearance Online POA

Online POA

Streamline and simplify the delegation of authority, ensuring efficient & real-time management of vital processes.

Customs Brokerage Software

Why CargoEZ is Your Ultimate Customs Clearance Software?

Customs Centralized Visibility
Centralized Visibility

Experience complete visibility into your transaction types and filings with US customs, all at the same place without switching tabs

CBP Regulations
Master CBP Regulations

The real-time data transactions stop the delay in the responses on the status. Also, get the regulated updates about the statuses of your shipment.

Increased Productivity
Save Time & Boost Productivity

Our solution is designed to streamline your customs operations, saving you time, reducing errors, and ensuring seamless compliance with customs standards to improve productivity

CargoEZ Regulatory Updates
Proactive Regulatory Updates

Stay ahead of the curve with our proactive updates. Avoid delays and fines with our expert compliance team keeping your software current – for no additional cost.

Transform Your Logistics Business with CargoEZ to a New Level